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Live Expert Programming
Experts for Everyone, All in One Place®
Register for our monthly live programs featuring top experts on all things related to college, career, and parenting.
Topics include college admissions, financial aid, mental health, the skilled trades, parent-teen dynamics, athletics, HBCU's, and much more.
Upcoming Live Programs
Live programs for 2024 have concluded.
We hope to see you again in January for more exciting shows with our top industry experts!
Debt is a major consideration for most students and a deterrent to attending college for some. The most effective way to alleviate this concern is to educate students on how to make informed decisions about their financial aid. In this program we will provide counselors with the tools to have effective conversations with families about loan options, common borrowing strategies and repayment plan options.
Is your student overschooled, overscheduled, anxious, and overwhelmed by the pressures of high school? Join us for an important conversation about achievement pressure with Dr. David Gleason. He’ll explain what drives the pressure to overachieve, how it affects adolescent development, and what parents can do differently to help their teens.
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